The instructions came in the aftermath of the brutal rape and murder of a woman in suburban Sakinaka last week, which bore some similarity to the 2012 ‘Nirbhaya’ gang-rape case of Delhi.

MUMBAI: A special squad consisting of women officials should be set up at every police station and patrolling should be intensified in areas where the occurrence of crime against women is more likely, Mumbai police commissioner Hemant Nagrale said in a circular issued on Tuesday.
The instructions came in the aftermath of the brutal rape and murder of a woman in suburban Sakinaka last week, which bore some similarity to the 2012 ‘Nirbhaya’ gang-rape case of Delhi. At every police station, there will be a `Nirbhaya Squad’ or special women’s safety cell, the commissioner said.
The Nirbhaya squads will undergo two-day training. Among other things they will be trained to collect intelligence from areas where girls hostels, children’s shelter homes and orphanages are located. Under an initiative named as ‘Saksham’, police will offer counseling to the victims of sexual harassment/ assault.
The police stations will also identify areas/places under their jurisdiction where crime against women is more prevalent. Isolated spots near slums, gardens, schools, colleges, theaters and malls can be added to this list.
Once such places are identified, patrolling routes should be planned accordingly, the circular said. Police should also help women who are commuting alone on roads at late hours and arrange vehicle to take such a woman to her destination if she requests, the commissioner said.
A list of senior citizen women living in the area should be made and police should visit them during patrolling to hear their grievances, the circular said. The helpline number `103′ meant for women in distress should be publicized properly, it said.
There should also be a `Nirbhaya complaint box’ at every school, college and hostel where girls or women can put in their complaints.
Information about persons living in the area who have been named as accused in cases of crime against women in the last five years should be recorded in a separate register, and such persons should be kept under watch, the top cop instructed.