On stranger tides: People wade through water in King’s Circle on Wednesday.
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On stranger tides: People wade through water in King’s Circle on Wednesday.

City’s total rainfall stands at 3,265.1mm

Mumbaikars’ weekend plan was washed out with the city receiving 119mm rain up to 8.30 a.m. on Sunday. This was followed by a few heavy spells throughout the day though the India Meteorological Department (IMD) recorded only 21.3mm rain by 5.30 p.m.

Even though there was no red alert for the weekend, the city saw an overcast sky and heavy rain throughout Saturday and Sunday. Mumbai recorded 59.2mm rain on Saturday, with western suburbs seeing highest shower. The maximum rainfall was at BKC at 198.8mm.

On Sunday, in the 24 hours ending at 8.30 a.m., the city recorded 119mm rain. The island city saw heavier spells on Sunday at 31.37mm followed by eastern suburbs (25.45mm) and western suburbs (19.24mm).

Mumbai’s total rainfall this season now stands at 3,265.1mm, way past its annual average of 2,514mm. The IMD has forecast ‘heavy rain at isolated places’ in the city on Monday and light to moderate showers till Wednesday.

However, this did not deter Ganesh Visarjan processions on the seventh day of the festival. Up to 6 p.m., 2,762 idols had been immersed.

During Saturday’s rainfall, Vimal Lala (66), a resident of Santacruz West’s Chapel Lane, was injured when a branch of a tree fell on her around 4 p.m. She was taken to Cooper Hospital. According to the medical officer, she had abrasion on her head and was stabilised. She was discharged later in the day.

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