In a tragic incident on Thursday, three laborers were killed and three others injured when a slab on the 20th floor of an under-construction building in Mumbai collapsed. The accident occurred around noon at the Navjeevan Building in Malad East, a 23-storey Slum Rehabilitation Authority project.
The collapse marks the second such accident in Mumbai in just two days. On Wednesday, a similar incident resulted in the death of a minor and serious injuries to a woman at a two-storey residential building in Chembur.
The Mumbai Police, Mumbai Fire Brigade, and other emergency services promptly arrived at the site to conduct a rescue operation. According to the BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation’s Disaster Control, the rescuers were able to recover three bodies from the debris and transport three injured individuals to M.W. Desai Municipal Hospital in Govind Nagar.
The deceased have been identified as Gopal B. Modi, 32; Sohan J. Rotha, 26; and Vinod K. Sadar, 26. The injured are Jalil R. Shaikh, 45, who has been admitted to the orthopedic ward with severe bone injuries; Rupsan B. Mamin, 30, who is in the ICU but stable; and Mohammad S. Shaikh, 30, who was later moved to RN Cooper Hospital in Juhu for further treatment.
The incident has prompted the BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation to initiate an investigation into the causes of the collapse. The building, intended for market sale, had its slab crash while workers were performing their routine duties.
The timing of these accidents is particularly concerning as they occurred following a brief pause in the monsoon rains, which have since resumed vigorously in Mumbai. This highlights ongoing concerns about construction safety and building standards in the city.
The Mumbai Fire Brigade and police are continuing their efforts to provide aid and investigate the causes of these unfortunate incidents. The community remains on high alert as the city grapples with these serious safety issues.
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